Magruder Park is a family-friendly venue with multiple playgrounds and indoor restrooms. The park is located only 6 miles from the U.S. Capitol, right on the Anacostia Tributary Trail system, a 20 minute bike ride from Capitol Hill.
As last year, proceeds will benefit Special Olympics Maryland, P.G. County-Purchase your Hyattsville CX pint glass to help out a good cause and/or make a donation to Special Olympics. Each pint glass purchase come with one free beer on race day. Last year's race raised nearly $3,000 for the Special Olympics program.
This year, the Hyattsville CX beer sponsor is Franklin's Restaurant and Brewery, a fantastic local Hyattsville business that brews some of the best beer around: http://www.franklinsbrewery.
Hardy's Divine Chicken and Ribs will be back to provide grub on race day.
Prizes to include:
Restaurant gift certificates, including a Poste Roast from Poste Brasserie
Franklin's Beer—Fill your growler up on the way home
Cross Propz
Embrocation Magazine/Mad Alchemy Products
In The Crosshairs, swag
And, of course gift certificates and schwag from our favorite local bike shop and Title Sponsor, Arrow Bicycle
and much, much more.
Check back here for updates. And check out our sweet new poster designed by Colby Waller.

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